We understand that some faiths require religious observance such as prayer and other ceremonial activities during study hours.
To support this we have a dedicated multi-faith prayer room located on level 5. This room is an accessible space for people of all faiths and traditions.
General Information
The multi-faith prayer room is divided by a curtain to enable men and women to pray separately, for Muslims and others where this is a part of their tradition. When the room is not in use the “male users” side can be also used by mixed gender groups of other traditions. Please maintain the “female users” side as a women only space.
Cleaning/washing facilities are available in the level 5 bathrooms. Please take care to ensure that water is not splashed on the floor.
Useful links
Australia has a multicultural population with a diverse range of religions and spiritual beliefs. For information on local religious communities and places of worship, please click here.