Today we say goodbye to two of our lovely students. Fibla Ferrer (Alba) from Spain has completed intermediate level English and Su Myint Myat Nwey has completed Upper Intermediate Unipath English and she will be going on to study a Diploma of Business at Russo Business School. We will miss you both!
Congratulations to our students who have completed Unipath 2 today! Chandra (from Nepal) is now off to study nursing, Pearl (from Mongolia) will return for BEEP in August, and Maoying (from China) is off to JCU Brisbane next semester. We wish you all the best in your future endeavours!
Today we say goodbye to some of our wonderful students. Anastasia (AKA ‘The Fox’) has successfully completed Unipath 2 Advanced, we look forward to welcoming her back in August for BEEP. We are also farewelling a class of BEEP students, we wish you all the best with your next adventure. We would like to give a special shout out... Read More
We had a fun crew of students at today’s Coffee Making Course. It was great to see everyone displaying some great barista skills and asking Jo lots of good questions! For information about the next Coffee Making Course, please email